If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.

Thinking of a Trip to Asia this Autumn by Private Jet?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum. Suspendisse ultricies vestibulum vehicula. Proin laoreet porttitor lacus. Duis auctor vel ex eu elementum. Fusce eu volutpat felis. Proin sed eros tincidunt, sagittis sapien eu, porta diam. Aenean finibus scelerisque  nulla non facilisis. Fusce vel orci sed quam gravida condimentum. Aliquam  condimentum, massa vel mollis volutpat, erat sem pharetra quam, ac mattis arcu elit non massa. Nam mollis nunc velit, vel varius arcu fringilla tristique. Cras elit nunc, sagittis eu bibendum eu, ultrices placerat sem. Praesent vitae metus dolor.Nulla a erat et orci mattis auctor.

Mauris non dignissim purus, ac commodo diam. Donec sitamet lacinia nulla. Aliquam quis purus in justo pulvinar tempor. Aliquam tellus nulla, sollicitudin at euismod nec, feugiat at nisi. Quisque vitae odio nec lacus interdum tempus. Phasellus a rhoncus erat. Vivamus vel eros vitae est aliquet pellentesque vitae et nunc. Sed vitae leo vitae nisl pellentesque semper

2 thoughts on “If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.

  • Mauris non dignissim purus, ac commodo diam. Donec sit amet lacinia nulla. Aliquam quis purus in justo pulvinar tempor. Aliquam tellus nulla, sollicitudin at euismod.

  • Mauris non dignissim purus, ac commodo diam. Donec sit amet lacinia nulla. Aliquam quis purus in justo pulvinar tempor. Aliquam tellus nulla, sollicitudin at

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My name is Afshin Sajedi, and I am the President of Holiday Luxury Inc. I’ve been working in the travel industry since 1996. Specifically, I have had a strong passion for luxury travel for a decade. Why did I set up this new entity of Jets 100 under my company Holiday Luxury Inc.? I want to make a difference and a positive impact on myself and others. Since I’ve started traveling in first class and business class.

A question constantly comes to my mind, “What ‘s NEXT now?” There are NO entrepreneurs or business owners that I’ve talked to who don’t want to travel in luxurious style on a private jet. It’s everybody’s dream yet, this dream seems to be hard to turn into reality.

Let’s face it. Traveling on a Private Jet on your own is NOT something most of the population can afford. Even if we can afford it, we ‘re probably not willing to spend that much of our hard-earned money merely for a few hours of the experience. Wouldn’t you agree? From there, an idea lands on my brain like a dandelion seed on a dew-drenched lawn and immediately starts to grow.

This is MY CALLING… A calling that I know if I don’t answer and don’t act on it, I will regret for the rest of my life. You might think I’m audacious. But the fact is no one chooses to be audacious. Just like that, I’ve been called!

Audacity is about advocating for a “future“ that doesn’t currently exist. I have a vision of a world that can be, should be, must be, shimmering in my eyes. I asked myself these questions:

Why NOT create a “Shared” Private Jet Luxury Travel Experience?

Why NOT leverage my expertise and experience within Luxury Travel to move this world FORWARD?

Why NOT connect with 100 like-minded people to make this move?

Why NOT make our dreams come true with the collective efforts? Why NOT turn my vision into reality?

There’s NO answer to these question that would stop me.

Jets 100 was born!

If my story resonates with you which I hope it does, stop procrastinating, start acting now. Your life is important. We all have the freedom and ability to chase our dreams and turn them into reality.

Be part of our movement and chase down your dreams like it’s’ the last bus of the night. Together, we will turn our dreams into reality with the most powerful “Collective Humanity”.

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